9 Tips To Staying Positive In Tough Times

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Staying PositiveStaying Positive in Tough Times

Most of us can agree that positive thinking is important. It tends to make us feel better, be more productive, and reduce stress.

The problem is, that our lives aren’t always rosy. Crises happen – be it on a personal level or something more widespread, as we are all encountering right now.

That reality is a part of everyone’s life, and it makes keeping your spirits up tough.

If staying positive and hopeful is a struggle when going through tough times then try following these nine tips:


1.    Don’t Put Your Head in the Sand

No matter what you are dealing with, ignoring it is rarely the answer. While ignoring problems might feel good in the short term, it will sap energy and long-term positivity. The longer you don’t face up to the reality of your situation the more stressful it will become -even if you aren’t aware of it consciously it will take a toll on your health.

Plus, many of the other tips listed here require you to acknowledge your circumstances first.


2.    This Too Shall Pass

When you are in the midst of a crisis, it is nearly impossible to keep things in perspective. That said, you need to recognize that your circumstances are temporary.

Things might seem dire at the moment, but try your best to remember that “this too shall pass.” (See Inspirational piece below)


3.    Make a Plan

One of the single best things you can do to maintain positivity during tough times is to make a plan on how to deal with it.

When you focus on the solution rather than the problem, you will naturally feel more positive. Subsequently, you will feel like you are rising to the challenge.


4.    Think About the Things You are Grateful For

Even during great personal turmoil, you still have things you are grateful for. When things get tough, it is vital to remember that there is good in the world, and more importantly, in your life.

When you are struggling, take a step back, breathe, and take some time to list the things in your life you are grateful for.

Grab a Mini Gratitude Journal to get you started here.


5.    Reach Out for Support

Support in and support out! Reach out to loved ones and offer your support. Reach out if you need assistance too.

When things are dire, it is always reaffirming when people pull together and help each other.


6.    Take a Break

Sometimes our circumstances are so dire that we are forced to think about our problems constantly. It is OK to take a break. You can take a break from the news, social media, or other people. When developing your mindset muscles you can learn that it is not what is happening to or around us that is important, rather it’s how we are responding to it.

It might not be easy but taking a break from external stimuli can help keep you positive.


7.    Journal Your Feelings

Journaling is a powerful tool in so many ways. By simply giving you a place to express your fears and concerns, a journal helps you maintain positivity outside of its pages.

Do you know how good it feels to vent to a friend? Well, consider your journal as your best friend.


8.    Focus on Things You Can Control

When your world seems like it is spinning out of control, you may feel helpless. One way to address this and stay more positive is to focus on the things you can control. The most important being your mindset around whatever situation you find yourself in.

Remember, while you can’t control what’s going on outside of you, you are 100% responsible for what’s going on inside of you.


9.    Embrace Distractions

Distractions are usually the worst. We are often trying to learn how to avoid or deal with them. However, they aren’t that bad when you are struggling to stay positive in tough times.

No matter how silly they seem, you should embrace distractions that bring you joy in tumultuous times.

Find a small amount of time each day to read something inspirational or watch a funny YouTube video. 


3 Actionable You Can Take Right Now

1. Write down your feelings. This is also commonly known as doing a brain dump. Think about everything you are dealing with and how it’s affecting you and write that down. Don’t worry about grammar or spelling; just focus on getting your feelings out of your head and onto paper.


2. Reach out. Whether you are reaching out to offer support or requesting it. There are so many forums and groups you can belong to virtually these days. Just do a google search of “your interest” + forum to find some to join.

Reaching out will help you feel like part of a community because when we all work together, we can overcome anything.


3. Make a plan. Think about what your biggest struggle is right now and devise a plan to tackle it. Even if right now the plan is not to worry about it for the next 24 hours! Make that your plan.

Set some goals and deadlines as this will make you feel more positive by just having the plan – and even more positive if you act on it.


Related Article

How to Be Positive No Matter What (10 Unfailing Tips)


Staying Positive


Some Inspiration from the Angels

I would like to share with you the following message from innerlinks.com.

As part of their initiative to teach others to live from their “authentic selves”, they share a monthly Angel card reading via email.

If interested in angels, you can sign up here to receive them.

The Angel card for April is Awakening;

“Let the sun illuminate parts of you that are dormant, numb, or forgotten. Rub the sleep from your eyes and welcome the new dawn.

We are being challenged to navigate turbulent waters. This is the stage of evolution we are at and reflects the temporary nature of the human condition. ‘This too shall pass’ and we will welcome the new dawn.

When one awakens and realizes the true state of affairs, there is no interruption of experience. It is not that something that was not there is now manifest. It is more like becoming cognizant of the presence of something that has always been there and known to be there – but forgotten.

A large part of our identities has been sculpted by our parents, teachers, friends, and how we want others to see us. We have carried this as our reference point of who we are; the person we normally take ourselves to be – preoccupied with its goals, fears, desires, and issues.

Beneath the surface is a deep and vast authentic Self, but its presence is usually veiled by the noise of the smaller ‘I’ with its needs and demands. This confusion between the small self and larger Self is a core illusion of the human condition, and penetrating this mirage is what awakening is all about.

Before recognizing greater realities that are more extensive and multidimensional, it is a good idea to first learn to handle our own energy and be accountable for the concrete results of our thoughts and emotions. Because, as we awaken, they automatically and immediately are translated into action.

For us to successfully create a new paradigm world in the midst of the current planetary chaos, we must discover a more light-filled and inclusive approach to everyday life. By deep listening and acting on what feels like intuition, we can correct and refine our alignment to the instinctual impulses of our authentic Self.

Invoke your Divine presence with the intention to allow dormant memories deep within to stir and heal key obstacles to your wakefulness. Ask for an energetic opening to remember your True Self – with such certainty that you will never forget again.

May the emanations of the Angel of Awakening fill your month ahead. May you remember your origin and welcome the new dawn.”


In Closing

Some actionable, practical tips and a whole lot of inspiration will get us through any tough situation.

Stay humble and stay true. And remember – This too Shall Pass!


Staying Positive Infographic of the Tips and Actionable Steps:

Please feel free to download – Right-click on the image and “Save As”.

Feel free to print it out and stick it on a wall and whenever you find your mind worrying about some problem, do one of the action steps instead.


Staying Positive Infographic



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9 Tips To Staying Positive In Tough Times


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