Best 20 Commitment to Excellence Qualities To Have

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Best 20 Commitment to Excellence Qualities


What does “Committed to Excellence Mean?”

Even if you have heard of the term ‘committed to excellence, do you fully understand what it means?

The following quote is from Aristotle and defines what excellence is.

“Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” 

Immediately you can see that excellence is a habit, and any habit can be formed. The best way to create a new habit is by setting yourself new goals and creating a plan of attack. Let’s see how you can do this.

First, you want to define your reasons, or why, for wanting to commit to excellence. Does this pertain to your business, your family life, or for some other reason? If it helps write down your reasons and your why for wanting to achieve this.

How do you Commit to Excellence?

The best way to really show a commitment to excellence is by having a good mindset.

Excellence is a Mindset or Mentality.

Once this is in place it will be much easier to focus on actually committing to excellence.

Can you truthfully say that you strive to do your best every day?

If you run an online business, do you put out excellent products? Or do you just try and put out a product that will generate lots of sales quickly? What about customer support, do you even have a customer support system in place?

We are not asking you to be perfect, that is not feasible, but we are suggesting that you are accountable for your actions.

This is how you commit to excellence.



20 Qualities that Demonstrate Commitment to Excellence

1. Be Accountable

Are you trying to lead a life where you are committed to displaying excellence in everything that you do?

This is a wonderful way to lead your life. One way to reach this point is by taking ownership and responsibility for all of your actions.

Once you ‘own’ your choices and accept the consequences you will be viewed as a person who can be respected. Other people will see you as someone who can be counted on, and this is a huge trait to own.

Examples of things you can take ownership of include your relationships, your education, your fitness, and your social life. As you start to take full responsibility you will find that you feel more confident and have a purpose in life.


2. Committing to Excellence is Not Perfectionism

Start by acknowledging that “perfect” does not exist. But “your best ” does.


3. Align your Behaviors and Actions with your Values and Goals 

To operate from a place of excellence, you need to have a clear vision of what it is you want, why you want it, and how you are going to get there.

Having goals that are aligned with your values will increase the chances of you reaching them.

Having laid out goals allows you to use your time in a way that understands what your priorities are and each planned-out step keeps your focus more on process than outcomes.


4. Measure Where you Going

By tracking your progress you are holding yourself accountable for improvement in your chosen plan. Measuring also acts as a motivator to carry on.

Without measuring it’s easier to get stuck, lose interest or give up.


5. Always Give More than What is Asked of You

When someone asks for help with a certain task or chore be prepared to go that one step further.

If a neighbor needs help moving old furniture out of the house, offer to help move the new furniture in too. If you are working for a client then over-deliver by adding something extra that adds value to the project without being asked.

Also, learn to pay attention to small details when helping or serving others as this can help turn something ordinary into something excellent.


6. Be Passionate About What You do

If you want to excel at work then, need to be passionate about what you do every day. This may not be that easy, especially if you aren’t that happy with your current job.

However, the next time you are asked to deliver a project, be passionate about it and put all your efforts into it. If not for your boss, for yourself, this way you know you delivered your best work.


7. Believe that What You do will Make a Difference

Have you ever stopped yourself from helping someone else because you didn’t think it would make a difference? This is the type of behavior you want to stop.

All of your actions, even small ones, can really make a difference.

You need to start believing this if you want to excel with everything you do.


8. Challenge Yourself at All Times

Do you take the easy way out, or are you up for a challenge?

People who excel love challenges and are always looking for one.

Completing a challenge can really boost your self-confidence.


9. Face Your Fears

Learning to face your fears is an ongoing process. It makes you aware of your weak spots and of making excuses. Being aware makes you work on them and admit mistakes.

The easiest way to display ownership is by not making excuses.

If you were late for an appointment don’t come up with a ridiculous excuse. Tell the other person why you were late, and apologize for not calling to let them know.


10. Expect the Best of Everyone

As soon as you start expecting the best from others, this is what you will see.

Start thinking about yourself and others in only a positive manner from now on.


11. Always Follow Through and Follow Up

How many times have you started a job and put all your effort into it, only to find your energy levels dwindle?

Only take on a job that you know you can finish and when you do ensure that you do it right, and get it finished on time.


12. Focus on One Task or Goal at a Time

Doing too many things at one time is a surefire way not to excel at anything. You simply have too many projects and not enough time.

Studies have proven that multitasking is not productive.

This is not the way to pursue excellence.



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13. Learn to Communicate

Learning to communicate effectively with others is a skill you can learn.

It involves listening more than you talk, learning to be a problem solver rather than a person who complains, refraining from giving unsolicited advice, and paying attention to non-verbal (such as tone and body language) cues as well.


14. Focus more on Your Actions and Reactions than Comparisons

It really is so easy to blame outside influences for your mistakes or oversights.

While no one can control one hundred percent of what happens, you can control how you respond to certain situations.

This reaction can completely change your life.


15.  Be Flexible

Along with ownership, you need to learn how to be flexible.

Are you currently willing to do things differently?

This means not being stubborn when something isn’t working.

Take advice and attempt to change what you are doing.

If you do you will begin to excel at more tasks and this helps increase your confidence and self-esteem.

Becoming a flexible person means that you are happy to respond to a situation in a different way. When you are flexible you are not rigid and set in your ways.


16. Be Balanced

This brings us to another important factor in the quest to commit to excellence with everything you do.

This is the step of adding balance to your life.

When you live a balanced life you are focusing on those things that hold meaning to you.

At the same time, though, you are still mindful of those around you. You make choices that are related to the way you feel and what you are thinking.

Balancing your life entails knowing when you have to say no to going out with friends so you can finish up an important project.

You recognize the importance of staying focused on your goals and vision as well as maintaining a healthy social life.


17. Recognize and Reward Success

True success recognizes the valuable contribution to and of every relationship in life. It fosters loyalty, and honesty and serves as a great motivator for human collaboration and cooperation.


18. Practice Humility, Passion, and Grace

Lead by example, stay humble and graceful, and never forget to be grateful for everything you achieve.

Arrogance and being boastful should have no place in your life.


19. Pursue Excellence Daily

Excellence is not a  one-time thing.

People achieve excellence not because of one big thing they do right, but because of many small things they do well day in and day out. By using the above steps you can easily start to excel with excellence in your daily life.


20. Develop Lifelong Excellence – What does a Relentless Commitment to Excellence Mean?

So you have started on your journey to excellence but how do you sustain it?

It is easy to notice those people who seem to be committed to excellence.

It can be said that they have a relentless commitment to excel in all they do.

But as they will tell you it really doesn’t take that much effort to excel in everything you attempt as long as you take the following into consideration:

  • The best way to continue to develop a life full of excellence is by always putting your best foot forward and directing all your energy into your projects. As long as you acknowledge that you are doing your best, you really are excelling.


  • You have to keep putting effort into everything you attempt, otherwise, you can never sustain excellence. You can’t sit on the couch while becoming an excellent runner. You have to get out there and practice running by putting your best efforts into it.


  • Another way to sustain excellence is to continually learn how to master things. This really applies to learning new skills or understanding how to run a new software program, for example.


  • You need to keep affirming your commitment to excel. Before taking on a project or committing to a goal, you must be prepared to fully commit and follow through with it. As discussed above this is having the correct Mindset.


  • Life is full of challenges. These can be ones that you set for yourself, or they can be ones that life throws at you on your journey to excellence. With challenges come mistakes, and there is nothing you can do to avoid this. What you can do, is to learn from your mistakes. When something goes wrong, don’t put yourself down, instead, ask yourself what you learned from it. This way you will be more prepared the next time.


  • Another way to challenge yourself is by setting and maintaining high standards. Don’t be satisfied with only doing those things that come easy to you. Do something that takes you out of your comfort zone.


  • To really develop lifelong excellence you should be always open to learning. This may include learning from books, other people who are different from you, or by taking courses. But it also includes learning from life and adapting to things as necessary. Be open to becoming a student of life!


In Closing

It is important to understand that nobody can be perfect, but it is possible to be excellent.

Developing a lifelong habit of excellence does not happen overnight. You need to be aware of your journey and take in your surroundings, as well as the people you surround yourself with.

Always be open to new experiences and be willing to learn from your mistakes.

This will provide you with a life where you can be happy and healthy and excel at committing to excellence.


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2 thoughts on “Best 20 Commitment to Excellence Qualities To Have”

  1. mango juice

    Admiring the hard wоrk you put into your webѕite and detaileԁ information you offer.
    It’s ɡreаt to come across a blog every once іn a while that isn’t the same old
    rehashed matеrial. Great read!

    1. Thank you – it’s not “hard work” when you are passionate about a subject and if it is of any help to others on their personal development journeys, I’m happy

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